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Some of my research context in action, showing Disney's Hypocrisy

Writer's picture: Joshua CurtisJoshua Curtis

Updated: Jun 14, 2021

Spot the difference

Chinese poster to the Left American poster to the Right

As we can see Disney Star Wars is using John Boyega as a token however they presented to the audience that John was to be the main character since it's the first person you see in the force awakens trailer. However, Disney wanted that Chinese money and put a Mary sue (Daisy) as the main character the reason for this she is a cardboard cut-out and John's character had parts of the hero's journey in his arc where's Daisy does not and extremely good at everything with no story point. I believe its Kathleen Kennedy's Feminist agenda over handed cause further films in the flawed Disney trilogy to become a chore to sit through with the lack of an arc of an actual threat is underwhelming. In the Chinese poster they decreased the size of John character in the poster because the people in that part of the world are not exactly torrent of different races. I did not know until after the flop the last Jedi did i know what poor work was put into the story as Disney panders to the progressives in the west with putting in a token here or there or having a rainbow flag some where the truth is if you see 'we support you' this is a marketing ploy to get you to buy their product. All the while sucking off to China for money since they are 1/6 of the population in one country controlled by an authoritarian government.

Here yet again you can see Disney's double standards off employing and injecting so called progressive values of the contemporary world in the West. In East become racist just to get their film shown to a population controlled by fear and showing the government their opinion of disapproval is forbidden if you want your freedoms of movement. They to the left put a mask on Patrick so the Chinese cannot see who it is and both China, Disney friendship can have their money. The Chinese government get a substantial portion of money at the end whereas Disney gets the small portion. This is the privilege of having a film bending over for China.

Disney's robotic response to the 'movement' hollow and ironic as every company under the sun doesn't really care about 'activism' unless it gets them good press and cash from the next sloppy second, re-make, marvel flick or a star wars film its pandering. It was strange since every June a big company would shoehorn in a rainbow to their logo here or there. Never the less this an blatant virtual signal.

Here is an example of pride pandering where its normal and where its not. Down below is an meme showing Bethesda's pride pandering. This an marketing tool for social media and hyper-emotional followers of an movement or activist group they wish to pander for. It controls those who ally with the corporations by saying things from activist speeches or peer talks through their social media accounts.

These was removed due to the nation of Singapore's restrictive laws against those who are gay. Disney cut the scene to preserve the film's PG-13 rating.If Disney had a backbone they would have kept it in those regions of the world still in-torrent of those different. However this would caused Disney to increase the rating of the film and lose money. This action would have barred children under 16 from attending the movie in which critically is an flawed structured mess. Disney has routinely bend to local censorship boards in an effort to maintain its viewers, especially in the growing Chinese markets. The scene cut from Dubai, in the United Arab Emirates, according to The Hollywood Reporter, but China’s censors allowed it.

Disney-Live action remake Mulan Saga 2020

This is an new low for Disney as it literally thanked a Concentration camp for filming some scenes in a region of China were forced sterilization is taking place. Human rights violated and dehumanized. This film was also introduced at a time of great breach of Civil rights called the 'Democratic Protest of Hong Kong' in which unfortunately the star of the snooze first Liu Yifei in which alienated those who grew up with freedoms we take for granted.

Not very smart to attack your people for those will have the real power not a few established politicians. Disney is definitely submissive or blind to real problem as there facade for caring is fake and only in it for the money. They don't care about any one but themselves. This statement by the main actress of 'Mulan' has caused mass out-rage with those an ear to mouses wall, taking notes. It sprung an boycott of Disney's blind-sited cash grab centered on the Chinese legend. In my eyes it going makes my touch at the problem of a growing problem of hypocrisy.

Yes, you see that an mega corporation will bend their social justice messaging for money no matter the outrage or problems they'll continue to produce and create more bankrupt ideas for their movies. Disney will use the idea of western values only to throw them out when china doesn't think they'll green light the movie for a release in their flawed nation.

These screen shots were taken from the hyperlink below.

Christopher F. Rufo's article on Disney's anti tactics

In which he had obtained a treasure chest full of a whistle-blower of information related to Disney’s “diversity and inclusion” program, called “Reimagine Tomorrow”, however shows a disturbing picture of the company's embrace of racial politics injected into everything Disney.

No matter good the noble intention of the program would have been, multiple Disney employees, who requested anonymity out of fear of reprisals and stated that the program is becoming "deeply politicized and engulfed parts of the company in racial conflict" This deeply sinister to people’s identity and opinions are now not allowed due to a 'progressive action" of ally-ship. Its sounds like compliance to a well organised mob than anything that see.

In another portion of the booklet or module in which tells employees they should reject equality and focus toward s equal treatment and access to opportunities, and set a sail for equity of outcome. Very Marxist of Disney for regression to take place and create an atmosphere of fear for the low payed employees. This insidious treatment involves lessons on “implicit biases,” “microaggressions,” and “becoming an antiracist.”

Disney claims America has an issue with systemic "racist infrastructure".

Disney sponsored an program “21-Day Racial Equity and Social Justice Challenge” the idea was to challenge information on "systemic racism" and that they have “all been raised in a society that elevates white culture over others.” Somehow I don't believe this trash fire of an idea since I through the west is the most torrent of people’s identity sexually region and so on. America is meritocracy and not anything I see here. Tell told to learn about their 'white privilege' (guilt-tripping them into submission) in which were asked to fill a bogus ''checklist'' with options that under-minds all ideas of equality for control for outrageous statements on their race.

They were next told to learn about another Marxist term of which is linked to critical race theory in which a race is supporter so that equals the amount of money you get is brain dead stupid. I don't a line with nonsense like internalized racism and white fragility are name plates without an action just an guilt trip I’ll ignore your hollow argument. These beliefs like “I was taught to treat everyone the same” are what protesting in the 60's were for. Disney and all big cooperate will inject their products as its the new thread at present. The document sent to Mr Rufo details (“competition,” power hoarding,” “comfort with predominantly white leadership,” “individualism,” “timeliness,” and “comprehensiveness”) these things as "white dominant" values that lead to white supremacy and must be rejected. Nope, this thing will not and cannot if you want a stable business practice and good customer relations. Individualism is my stubbornness and my strategy to manoeuvre to learn outside the educational setting. Competition creates the best work and best enemies without this work becomes stale, tasteless.

They also suggest that need to read the guides of “75 Things White People Can Do for Racial Justice” and “Your Kids Are Not Too Young to Talk About Race.” as the best way to indoctrinate you into their hive hivemind. I strongly recommend that you not Listen to their guides of doom. the first article suggests that white employees should “defund the police, ”participate in reparations,” “decolonize your bookshelf,”. Firstly, no society needs police for security reasons and wouldn't be great habitants of an 'no cop zone' as both response times and murder rates would increase in this zone. Secondly nope why should anyone take the fall from faults an ancestor did rather live in the present not the past. Finally, No one should be threatened into doing that its anti-choice and freedom. They say that the employees Should Donte to Marxist organisation that has increased the amount of worsens race relations for race baiting the past to the present better know as BLM chapter. The other article sends to Mr Rufo details parents to “raising race-consciousness in children” and they even argue that “even babies discriminate” in which is preposterous and unwise to say such a hateful thing to even think of.

'A graphic claim that babies show the first signs of racism at three months old, and that white children become “strongly biased in favour whiteness” by age four.' I would suggest sent who ever said this to an insane asylum because they need mental help and everything isn't racist, they are over sensitive.

Disney are back. To the game of positive discrimination as the minority have their own space, which they would believe this forward thinking I see segregation again with these "affinity groups" in an effort for “culturally-authentic insights.” In which under-cuts the goal of having someone not see them as a race but an individual free from group think. They have Latinos group "Hola". They have Asian group called "Compass”. They have a Black affinity group called "Wakanda". Disney's racially segregated groups are labelled as "CEO spooned priorities" talk about being treated differently rather than being yourself without the bold pandering. These are technically open to all employees however are mostly segregated by race, with one exception for the white "executive champions" who attend on behalf of the corporate leadership.

I will say something Disney knows there politics however they would love to leave what they have done in Asia out of their products and interviews. One employee said that “The thing that this company does very well is they know politics, so they leave many things unspoken, “a member of the three groups from before who also claims the affinity groups are 'intended to be racially segregated spaces' and said that even if tried to attend something "that they would discover that they’re not welcome at.”

Numerous Disney employees told Mr Rufo that the political environment at the company had intensified a fire in recent months. There are “almost daily memos, suggested readings, panels, and seminars that [are] all cantered around anti-racism,” said one employee. This deeply depressing. It seems like an effort to break your will in to guilt torture of ambiguous slander. Another said its “completely ideologically one-sided” and positively suppress conservative and Christian employees from expressing their views because their scared. They is No free speech at Disney.

One of the employees at the beginning [ training sessions] intended to see the temperature of the talk would be curious of the measure them and if he would be able to bring his "own objections in a safe way"-safe meaning for his career. However he gotten the unspoken reply: 'no' said the employee.

“It’s been very stifling to feel like everyone keeps talking about having open dialogue and compassionate conversations, but when it comes down to it, I know if I said one thing that was truthful, based on data, or even just based on my own personal experience, it would actually be rather unwelcomed.” So much for inclusive diverse thoughts are perceived as hate speech to those brought in the bigots.

The executives at Disney have an growing contempt for the particular people who pay, to vist their amusement parks, watch their films, and buy their merchandise. Disney has no longer an impartial ground.

Regardless of the internal caution, as there is no suggestion that Disney will slow its goal to attain ideological purity.

In which the company has a few months back fired the actress Gina Carano for for expressing a conservative point of view. This is better explained in my report its contents have vast amounts of evidence of cyber-bulling towards her. I call what Disney has done to Gina an corporate sponsored cancel culture. Giving in bullies with an facade of empathy and forgiveness.

Actual receipts, evidence of Carano Cyber-Harassment

In which the company has a few months back fired the actress Gina Carano for for expressing a conservative point of view. This is better explained in my report its contents have vast amounts of evidence of cyber-bulling towards her. I call what Disney has done to Gina an corporate sponsored cancel culture. Giving in bullies with an facade of empathy and forgiveness.

Down below shows the so called 'Bad Thing' in which shows Lucasfilms hypocrisy towards their statement of 'strong women' is hollow since they had the cake (Gina) and throw it in the trash (Fired). The cut-out was from an Movie magazine were didn't know this was in there and underneath can tell my frustration for Free Speech was key to my report. Corporate hypocrisy was the other.

The Kelly Tran 'Harassment Fiasco'

The mean-stream media running with the fake narrative as deluded and running on emotions rather than the facts. All of these are basically all the same article, just like every news network i distrust in which is all over them. Their's no evidence to the speculation of 'harassment'.The media using Tran as a token to get their 'facts to the common people reading for the next update. Overwhelming amount of articles out of portion and seems to me these journalists are more activist than factual. They want to be an ally savior in which is more of a cult than a ambiguous group.

It's not her fault for her playing a badly written character. It's the writers to blame here as is the direction of the train wreck of the film as a whole (the last Jedi). Having a pretty Asian chick in a potato sack. As her character doesn't fit in to the Lucas space opera sci-fi franchise. I would agree with the statements below as her character is a time waster.

Here below is the only documented evidence of a harassment is underwhelming and some what normal to the internet since your going to get those that go to far with there statements. However this is rather tamed and realistic and not at all racist just the criticism of her character the Asian token of the film is accurate, in being used for 'progressive' messaging is baiting for retaliation.

John shows his opinions on Twitter

Facts nothing but the truth down below although its a little informal.

The idea for one of my stencils

Kathleen Kennedy's Feminist agenda as drowned its potential for threats to main actress to feel like an up hill battle. Her idea of a powerful female is to have no flaws and all the skills that would take some one following the hero's journey three films to process. It will create an arrogant and foolish child who wants to be Daisy's Character in which is unrealistic to the real world.

Kathleen's story board group a laughing stock from last summer with this display on the white board. Their ideas like a dart board with no accuracy for success. These ideas on board are like an seven year old came up with them. Its so deluded its a meme of how bad the Lucas story group is. I like how 'actual ending' is undermined by 'diversity' in the Fiction category, it feels like their half asssed attempt with their brain cell liking trilogy or to have these people as tokens rather than real characters with arcs and flaws to overcome.

The Force Awakens (Episode 7),a cooperate emerge to George Lucas' first film (A New Hope). The villains seem to be more of a cartoon. They is No explanation on the oppressing threat of the hollow film. As they copy and pasted the villains from the original trilogy (4,5,6). Disney's Empire (First Order)a failed concept to integrate into the trilogy flawed through out with no planned storytelling. This film is the essence of creative bankruptcy before the Disney cartoon live action re-makes like Mulan. This film and its poorer sequels have created incompetent villains that have no steak, no atmosphere, no concern. Whereas the hero archetype goes full Mary Sue doing more than the protagonist of the original trilogy (Luke Skywalker) in two films as her success becomes an expectation, as when someone is so perfect there is nothing to overcome or challenge to indoor. No flaws that makes us human.

The Round headed fool

Insulting the customer, alienating your audience, lashing out at others creates immense criticism and rebellion. Towards your product filled with far-left political ideology, injected into the story by the writer in which is also the director Rain Johnson. Those who have been involved with the production of the film can't take criticism since they take it as hatred and intolerant. This lack of self control shows they can not take an opposing opinions.

Mr Acquisition

In Mr Rufo's article Bob Iger pledged that Disney "should be taking a stand" on political controversies and no longer "shy away from politics" in the future. This is playing with fire no matter where you slice it. Throwing political statements or issues into your products will decrease your free provoking story telling that Disney was know for into an political bee hive of no escaping the hive mind.

Here he talks about inclusion being good for commerce and wants more to be infused with their stories. However this is used to get the twitter activists of their back. This is just an strategist move to get these films sanitized by the Chinese government officials for money. The CEO sucking them off as caused division with the morons on twitter and those see through the facade of lies, playing party politics of an identity, one self can become an victim thus inclusion good for the weakened west plus bad for the in-torrent east.

Here shows everything Disney Corp has under it s banner. These are the things Bob Igher acquired Lucasfilm, Marvel, 20th Century Fox to keep Disney from sinking and in which has tainted entertainment as hollow, soulless or corporate made with quotas and check marks. This amount of production titles appositely 40% of the Entertainment industry.

Hidalogo, Lucasfilm story executive in his time developing poor products, poor stories. Calling fans 'toxic idiots' for not liking poor story telling in which after the acquisition of the film studio caused problems with the expanded universe fans they are those who followed the stories after Return of the Jedi. The EU was vast and filled with novels,comics, magazines and games in which kept the fan around before the days of the internet. However the reason i'm talking about this is that this vast collection was shot like an Pollock painting for the best bits to become in my works cucked. The story group of which Pablo is one of promotes regenerative thoughts, hatred of the fans. I find his actions at those under the lucasfilm banner insufferable. The tweet shows lack of clarity, one that can't take criticism.

Looking at what's happening at elements that I used consume through the mind and eyes. With Disney's narcissistic actions and facade propaganda double standards. It's bad I get more entertainment from the mess ups behind the scenes rather than the product they want to sell. They haven't been well after the Last Jedi as they couldn't take any structural criticism for their poor story telling from most of the movies they make. The use of sex and race is just an political maneuver to force the public to take like poorly actor-ed or written portions of the film.

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